Astronomy day is an annual event in the United states and later in other countries, intended to provide a means of interaction between the general public and various astronomy enthusiasts, groups and professionals.
International Astronomy Day is celebrated twice in a year, once in spring and another in autumn. This day is also forms part of National Astronomy week which occurred on a Saturday between mid-April and mid-May, and begins on the preceding Monday. It was scheduled so as to occur at or close to the first quarter Moon. At present, Astronomy Day is formally postponed by many astronomy related organisations. This year, it’s on May 15 and October 09, 2021.
History of International Astronomy Day:
Astronomy is a natural science that has been ever-present in human history. Our ancestors looked at the night sky, filled with curiosity about what was beyond our planet with the same fervour as we do. Indigenous cultures from around the world practiced astrology with the naked eye and it played a key role in their societies. A famous example of this was Mayan astronomy. They were avid observers of the sky, keeping recordings and producing calendars and star charts. To them, the actions of the gods could be read in the movement of the stars, moon, and sun.
In the year 1973, the president of the Astronomical Association of Northern California, Doug Berger started the celebration of astronomy day. He wanted to set up various telescopes in and around the busy urban areas with an intention to encourage the passer-by to enjoy the heavenly astronomical views. This was the reason he started the celebration of Astronomy Day. The response this event received since its establishment has been remarkable. The event eventually expanded and attracted world-wide attention. Now many countries of the world celebrate Astronomy Day.
On the day, museums, observatories, universities, and astronomy clubs around the world set up easily accessible telescopes in public spaces including schools, parks, and shopping malls to allow people to observe the skies during the day and night. Other events include lectures and conferences, educational outreach, exhibitions, and essay competitions.
This year the spring event in 2021 was cancelled due to the global pandemic Covid-19 virus.